Bose Vs. Beats: Cost Of Business

One of my favorite stories of the week came across the wires when Colin Kaepernick was fined for wearing his “Beats By Dre” headphones. We’ve been talking about a lot […]

Harmon’s Early Week 6 FF Tight Ends

Harmon’s Early Week 6 FF Wide Receivers

Harmon’s Early Week 6 FF Running Backs

Harmon’s Early Week 6 FF Quarterbacks

Coach Scott Shafer’s Head-Scratcher

Syracuse head coach Scott Shafer took to the podium after Friday’s loss to Louisville and left us scratching our heads. You’d expect some anger or disappointment following a crushing home […]

Derek Jeter Stopped By Fallon

Derek Jeter is certainly enjoying the early days of his retirement. He launched a new website, as I’ve chronicled here on, and has taken to the streets of New […]

Snoop Dogg HS Football Rap

We know of Snoop Dogg’s affinity for the Pittsburgh Steelers, as evidenced by the vitriolic rants posted against offensive coordinator Todd Haley. He’s been a leader of youth football in […]

Matthew McConaughey UT Pep Talk

The magnificent run of Matthew McConaughey added another chapter this week as the Academy Award Winner addressed the Texans Longhorns. Coach Charlie Strong brought McConaughey, a longtime Longhorns fan, to […]

Harmon’s Week 5 Defense Rankings

Harmon’s Week 5 Kicker Rankings

Harmon’s Week 5 TE Rankings

Harmon’s Week 5 WR Rankings

Harmon’s Week 5 RB Rankings

Harmon’s Week 5 QB Rankings

  It’s time for another run inside the fantasy universe. These are the early Week 5 Rankings ahead of the Thursday night game between the Packers and Vikings. Teddy Bridgewater […]

Favre MicroTouch Ad Raises Eyebrows

Everyone in the sporting world rushed to take their shot at former NFL MVP Brett Favre once the first of his MicroTouch ads hit the airwaves this week. I’ve called […]

Larry Donnell Benched Himself And Lost

Art Stapleton, a Giants beat reporter for The Record, offered a fantastic nugget on Twitter early Wednesday. He referenced Week 4 Fantasy Football hero Larry Donnell’s retelling of his own […]

The Queen “Rolling In The Deep”

Aretha Franklin took to the stage for “The Late Show With David Letterman” and delivered a powerhouse performance of Adele’s “Rolling In The Deep.” Of course, putting the term “powerhouse” […]

Michigan AD Dave Brandon Release At 1AM

For the past several weeks, stories related to Michigan football have been primarily negative and derisive. The team’s early struggles, combined with the Coca-Cola can ticket promotion, led to public […]

Harmon’s Fantasy Running Backs Week 4

Harmon’s Fantasy Quarterbacks Week 4

Disney Sued For $250 Million Over “Frozen”

I remember sitting in the theater and watching a world of trolls, magic and a talking, singing snowman looking for “warm hugs.” I imagined this Disney “Frozen” world linking to […]

Ray Lewis Commented On The NFL’s Woes

I was on the air Sunday morning when the initial Vine posts of this ESPN conversation starting popping up in my Twitter timeline.  Once I finished my show, I circled […]

Harmon Week 3 TE Rankings

Harmon’s Week 3 Fantasy WR Ranks

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