Harmon’s Sunday NCAA Tournament Picks ATS

It’s time to put the ball back up. Tipoff for Sunday’s games is just moments away when Michigan and Louisville get after it. We’re ready. We’re sitting at 23-15-2 ATS […]

College Football Begins In Grand Fashion

On Thursday, we celebrated the beginning of a glorious new season of football. In the NFL, we witnessed the final performances of the preseason slate. Most stars stood around in […]

Michigan AD Dave Brandon Release At 1AM

For the past several weeks, stories related to Michigan football have been primarily negative and derisive. The team’s early struggles, combined with the Coca-Cola can ticket promotion, led to public […]

Who Was More Inspiring, Tom Brady Or Nick Selby?

We love inspirational speeches. There’s no question about it. From the time we first grab a glove to hit the diamond, buckle a chinstrap or sit down in the classroom, […]

Brady Hoke Calls Out Notre Dame: Irish DT Invents #MeatChicken

Brady Hoke appeared on “The Dan Patrick Show” on FOX Sports Radio Tuesday morning. He started to talk about rivalries and scheduling before taking a detour and calling out the […]

FMC: Spike Albrecht Raining Threes & Dominating The Twitterverse

On Monday night, Rick Pitino’s Louisville Cardinals defeated the Michigan Wolverines to capture the NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship. I could take the easy way out and peacock for winning the […]

FME: Wrestling Legend STING Joined Dibble & Van Dyken on FOX Sports Tonight

As I worked back and forth on Monday night, I had the NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship game between the Louisville Cardinals and the Michigan Wolverines in one room and the […]