Kate Upton SI Behind The Scenes Zero Gravity
Winter has been unkind for many people across the nation. So, it’s no surprise that the arrival of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue warmed the hearts and minds. In addition to […]
Steve Nash Joins The Lakers: Will Dwight Follow?
Earlier this week, the Lakers added the point guard they’d be seeking seemingly forever when the team orchestrated a deal to bring two-time NBA MVP Steve Nash to town. Snarky […]
Reggie Jackson Wants To Clean Up Hall Voting: Do You Agree?
Each week, I still receive my copy of Sports Illustrated in the mail. Sure, I peruse the SI.com in my daily round-up of news and opinions. I give Jimmy Traina’s […]
Just Because: It’s Kate Upton Doing Something Called “Cat Daddy”
Kate Upton made an appearance on The Dan Patrick Show and busted out a new dance move “The Cat Daddy” while Fritzie busted out his patented Rick Astley impersonation. I […]
Coming Up on FSR at 9am/6am PT – The Freaks Hold The Annual “Girlfriend Combine”
Coming up at the top of the hour, Harmon, Lundy & Burns take you through three hours of innovation, hilarity and verbal domination. It’s the annual “Girlfriend Combine,” a time-honored […]