Michael Sam Reality Show Coming To OWN
Last weekend’s selection of Michael Sam by the St. Louis Rams in the 2014 NFL Draft was an historic moment for the league. This summer, Sam will attempt to become […]
NFL Roll Call: Eric Edholm Of TheMMQB.com on FSR
The Hall of Fame Game popped off on Sunday evening, thus firing the opening salvo of the 2013 NFL season. Later this week, fans and fantasy aficionados will spent countless […]
It Begins: Stories Holding My Attention As NFL Camps Open
The sound of the whistle reverberates across the wide-open field. You hear the grunts, the crashing of pads, the unmistakable sound of a blocking sled and, depending on where you […]
Mike Harmon Joined Bob Haynie and Mark Zinno in Baltimore
On Wednesday, Harmon joined “Zinno & Haynie” to chat about the NFL, including the latest news and notes around the league. Listen to Harmon on “Zinno & Haynie”.