Harmon’s Blog 7.15: Baseball, Sharks & Hitchhiking Musicians
Freddie Freeman won the “Last Man Standing” or whatever the final roster voting process is called for the National League. He’ll miss the game because of a thumb injury. Teammate […]
Summer of the Shark Continues: Closures in Cape Cod for the Holiday
There have been numerous shark sightings on both coasts this summer. Here in SoCal, a baby great white was pulled from the water by excited fishermen a couple weeks ago […]
Shark Week Continues: Great White Caught in Manhattan Beach
Last week, we saw the photographs of a kayaker being stalked by a great white shark off Cape Cod. The image made headlines all over the United States and refueled […]
That’s How You Kick Off Shark Week: Cape Cod Edition
Walter Szulc Jr. decided to try his hand at paddle-boarding during a vacation to Cape Cod. Think about the feelings of calmness and peace experienced while paddling in the sun […]