Larry Donnell Benched Himself And Lost
Art Stapleton, a Giants beat reporter for The Record, offered a fantastic nugget on Twitter early Wednesday. He referenced Week 4 Fantasy Football hero Larry Donnell’s retelling of his own […]
Harmon Attends Jerry Rice ProCamps Citi Private Pass Event In SF
I had the great fortune to spend a few minutes with Hall of Famer Jerry Rice during Super Bowl week in New York/New Jersey. He told me tales of his […]
Like It Or Don’t, Jimmy Buffett Is The Wile E. Coyote Of Music: Super Genius
Poll your friends the next time you’re out at the local watering hole and pondering the music playing over the speakers. If you sit long enough to consume multiple beverages […]
Man Arrested For Stealing A Truckload Of Cheese: Intent To Distribute
I saw the headline and had to distribute. A man was arrested in New Jersey after swiping a whopping 21 tons of cheese from a Wisconsin dairy. I understand how […]