Agent Zero Dons The Bane Mask: Takeover Or Comeback?

Former Arizona Wildcats and NBA All-Star Gilbert Arenas has been in the news a bunch of late.

Earlier this week, there was a story of Arenas forgiving Donald Sterling.

Now, an Instagram video of Arenas counting off jumpshots has surfaced. What’s the big deal? He’s an ex-NBA player chucking up threes and playing pickup games in the gym.

But now he’s wearing “the mask.” Yes, the Bane mask from “The Dark Knight Rises” has made its first appearance on a basketball court. Maybe it’ll help improve cardio to the point of getting him back on the court … or perhaps the intimidation factor will allow him to rifle off jumpshots in rapid succession?

Either way, it makes for a fun story. Check out Arenas’ on-court efforts.

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