Tired of Twitter Spoilers?: Try Twivo


Twitter and other social media outlets can be your best friend and an invaluable source of information exchange. Take the communal involvement in the aftermath of the Boston bombings or the daily silliness in 140-character blurbs about sports and pop culture. If you are a fan of a league, a team or a particular television show, then this is your forum.

Of course, attention to your timeline can also be your downfall with spoiler alerts, plot devices and one-liners awaiting you at every turn. Each update of your timeline reveals another wrinkle, another tidbit of information that forces you raise your hand and curse the technology gods. I always say that you need to shut down your electronic devices and avoid the barrage of information. But, we all know better than that. You can’t stay away.

For the purpose of sporting events, it’s still a LIVE event. You can set a game on your DVR all you want. Odds are you’re finding out the results unless you’ve buried yourself in a room with people who don’t care. And, what are the odds of that?

It’s the “GOT” and “Mad Men” fans among you that face a dilemma on Sunday nights, particularly those on the West Coast. Once that clock starts running on the East Coast airing, you need to step away. Somebody it going to rain on your escapism parade. I still wonder with the statute of limitations is on a new episode of a popular show.

There’s a solution to the issue, but I’m stepping out to make what seems to be an obvious statement first.

If the episode or film is available on Netflix or Amazon, your right to complain about a spoiler evaporates. Just click the “Unfollow” and be done with it. If the film does big box office, like the $175 million earned domestically (nearly $700m global), then it goes out the window on Sunday afternoon. You’re the only one who hasn’t seen it.

So, that’s my preemptive warning for you “Breaking Bad” (or insert other show title – here -) fans just catching up.

I digress.

As always, a unique problem creates an opportunity for a unique solution. Seventeen-year-old Jennie Lamere has created a program called Twivo to eliminate this problem. The program was presented at the TVnext Hack Event in Boston. It removes show and character references from Tweets, thereby giving you a clear and free shot at watching your favorite show in blissful ignorance.


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