Ray Lewis Commented On The NFL’s Woes

I was on the air Sunday morning when the initial Vine posts of this ESPN conversation starting popping up in my Twitter timeline.  Once I finished my show, I circled back to review the segment in question that included Ray Lewis’ comments about the NFL and its handling of the Ray Rice situation.

Lewis talked about his relationship with the Ravens’ brass in response to the ESPN Outside The Lines report that was released on Friday. He then started to produce a strong point related to the investigation of the commissioner’s office and the handling of this process, echoing sentiments raised by Jason Smith and me on our evening radio show. Basically, Lewis furthered his comments with the notion that this review of the Ravens and the league office was obfuscating the core problem and pushing the discussion away from the act of domestic violence. That is true, to a point. The discussions of the league and team officials run in parallel to discussions of the bad acts and have resulted in a nationwide discussion regarding domestic violence.

Lewis then paused and issued a regrettable, shocking statement related to his friend Ray Rice and how he “brutally hit his wife in the face in the elevator.”

“Some things you can cover up and then there’s some things you can’t.”

Watch the full “NFL Countdown” discussion below.

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