Report: Movie To Be Produced About Dennis Rodman’s Trip To North Korea

Early in our run on “The Jason Smith Show” on FOX Sports Radio, we were given the story of Dennis Rodman’s trip to North Korea. He was accompanied by a number of ex-NBA players to produce a basketball game in Pyongyang. Along the way, we watched Rodman lead a rousing rendition of “Happy Birthday” to Kim Yong-Un.

Well, Jason and I theorized that there was some major coin to be made in the film version of this tale, its origin to completion. Of course, we wanted to see a deep-cover backdrop to the festivities, with the ex-NBA players as highly-trained operatives.

It turns out that 20th Century FOX is in the process of producing a comedy based on the events called “Diplomats.”

Read the lede at the top that I found off the site

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