WVOTW: Texas HS Referee Blindsided

This past weekend, the nation’s long national nightmare ended. The glory of football season began on Thursday night with a huge slate of college games. And Friday, towns across this country shut down early to celebrate the return of “Friday Night Lights.”

For all the good vibes, tailgates and celebrations, there are always negative stories that surface. Hence, WOTW begins here at SwollenDome.com. It’s the Worst Video Of The Weekend and features a Texas HS Referee Blindsided.

One of the more disturbing moments to come out of Friday’s action occurred in Texas. Watch the video below. You see the John Jay safeties obliterate the Texas high school referee from behind. The first hit knocks the referee to the ground. The second hit occurs once the referee is already on the ground.

According to a report, referee Robert Watts wants to press charges.


And he should. It’s flat-out assault.

Referees get caught up in action with regularity and there’s a chance of a player taking out their frustration. That certainly didn’t occur here.

The players have already been suspended for their actions and an investigation has been undertaken. All eyes are on coach Gary Gutierrez and his staff as this unfolds.

UPDATE: Assistant coach Mack Breed has been suspended.

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