The Vision Comes Into Focus: Farmers Field in Los Angeles

The sporting world is in full effect as we roll full-steam into springtime. The first round of the NBA Playoffs are coming to an end (the Spurs and Thunder lead the parade of teams rolling into the next round), the conference finals are on the horizon in the NHL, Major League Baseball has entered its second month and, well, the NFL is never too far from anybody’s mind.

I won’t even dive into the “should college football exist?” debate that is percolating in this space. Don’t worry. I’ll circle back to that hot button issue later in the week.

I’ll also discuss the latest on the stadium vote in Minnesota once we get more notes from the Senate (it passed the House).

But for now, I’m going high-tech renderings of the proposed complex in Los Angeles. The Farmers Field “eye in the sky” view is now available. Business owners and football fans are salivating about the potential of such an addition to the bright lights of Los Angeles.

Take a look at the Farmers Field Vision .

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