Heading into the Opener

Who’s ready for some REAL football? No, I’m not bemoaning last week’s fantastic run of college games. Believe me, I’ve spent a ton of time watching tape, scouring rosters and getting ready for what promises to be an even bigger Week 2.

Rather, I’m looking forward to the grandiose celebration set to take place down in New Orleans, a monstrous festival and multi-media experience (ready for some Taylor Swift and Dave Matthews?) that culminates in a showdown between Brett Favre and Drew Brees.

In the past week, we’ve seen a plethora of roster moves, including a few surprising releases (Leinart, Houshmandzadeh) and some shifts in workloads (Brandon Jacobs left a press conference in a huff). The storylines will keep developing, as we still have several more days of potential madness to hit before we set our lineups for the Sunday kickoffs. Will Albert play? Will Dennis Dixon deliver? How about Derek Anderson?

Many fantasy owners had their last-chance drafts on Wednesday. For my fellow Fantasy Freaks, Nate Lundy and Peter Burns, and me, we had a lengthy stay in the draft room with our “Freaks Invitational II.”

Tomorrow, some folks will skip out of work for some truly last-minute draft work, while others will be staking their claims to a preferred place in the local watering hole.

I’ll keep a running blog during the Saints-Vikings contest, and the beginning of a flurry of player and statistical updates will begin.

We have some huge things planned for the season. Welcome aboard.

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