Harrison Ford Storms Off Of Jimmy Kimmel LIVE: No Star Wars


Legendary actor and Hollywood heavyweight Harrison Ford stopped by “Jimmy Kimmel LIVE” on Wednesday night, the latest stop in his promotional tour in support of 42. As I have written extensively on the Dome, I enjoyed and was moved by Ford’s portrayal of Branch Rickey in the film.

He spoke with Kimmel for several segments, reviewing the first pitch he threw at Dodger Stadium as part of “Jackie Robinson Day.” He later spoke extensively about his view of Rickey and the motivation for his move to promote Robinson to Brooklyn. I will discuss that segment shortly in another post.

But, the segment making the rounds on this Thursday morning is Ford’s walk-off moment. Kimmel opened the bit by asking a question about “Star Wars.” Ford shifts in his seat and declines to discuss the next films in the series. Kimmel then opened things up to the audience and, well, you can guess where it starts. The ending … will become the thing of internet legend. “I’ll see you in hell!”

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