In a Sea of Useless Tweets About ESPYs, I Found Gold

After watching the US Women’s victory over France, I set about the rest of my day and took care of some yelling, blogging and myriad other pre-vacation duties. As such, I didn’t see the ESPYs live (I think the replay is taping now). I did log in to check the Twitter scoreboard later in the evening.

There was the usual litany of castigating and mocking comments about the four-letter network. This isn’t a new concept. If you don’t like the programming, load up one of the other 500 channels you get or hit up the Netflix queue (provided you haven’t canceled because of that $6 hit).

I enjoyed the Tweets from Stevie Johnson and Arian Foster. They’re breakthrough fantasy heroes getting ready for their encores. But the winning post came after the “Team of the Year” award was revealed.

It came from Packers announcer Wayne Larrivee, who didn’t quite agree with the final tally.

While there’s certainly a vocal contingent of NFL fans with hatred of the Steelers, no team united fans from across the globe like the Miami Heat. As such, those that vanquished King James were destined to win this award.

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