Leader Off the Court: Kobe and Vanessa Bryant Foundation to Combat Homelessness
Kobe Bryant has been quiet since the Lakers’ dismissal from the NBA Playoffs by the Dallas Mavericks. The five-time NBA champion emerged from his fortress of solitude in Orange County to unveil a new project. Bryant addressed the media at My Friend’s Place, a non-profit center that gives homeless youth a place to grow and find refuge from the street.
The Kobe and Vanessa Bryant Foundation was founded to shine a spotlight on a growing epidemic given the continued rough economic climate. My Friend’s Place is among the countless non-profit organizations hit by budget cuts, cuts that required a cut-back in hours during the week. It is currently closed on weekends. Bryant’s involvement may help them turn things around and expand programming and services.
You can read more about the center’s services and challenges, including quotes from the center’s director of development and Bryant from the press conference here .
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