There’s An Outcry About Beer Prices in London

Stop the presses!

The organizers of the 2012 London Olympics have announced the prices for food and drink and fans are outraged. The source of their anger is the tag put on a pint. The Telegraph advises that a pint of beer will run approximately $11 during this summer’s festivities.

Maggie Hendricks of “Fourth-Place Medal” on Yahoo! examined the issue and advised visitors to Save their pounds.

Perhaps living in the greater Los Angeles area for a few years has taken the sticker shock away. I’m used to paying extra for virtually everything except for fruits and vegetables at the grocery store. I’m used to $8-$10 craft beers on menus at bars and restaurants. I’m used to price tags associated with tickets, in-stadium concessions and the fact that most places require valet services.

It’s the price of business here, and it’s most certainly accepted in the merchandise and madness associated with any large sporting event. Visit a bar in the host city of a Super Bowl.

In pondering this topic, I found an article from The Wall Street Journal from September of 2009 that examined the cost of beer at major league ballparks. Check out the 2009 MLB Beer Cost Survey .

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