Burger King Supplanted as No. 2 in Burgerland

If you mention the words “hamburger” or “burger joint” to a group of people in Los Angeles, you’re going to start an argument. There are many options available, from gastropubs to local mom and pop stands to the unavoidable large chains. I’d toss “Umami Burger” and “Bouzy” (a bar/grill down in the Beach Cities) into the mix from my own tastes, but I’ll save those elaborate reviews for another time.

If you’ve visited Disneyland or met people from Los Angeles, you’ve undoubtedly heard of the California staple, In-N-Out Burger, and may have rolled up with a “protein” or “animal-style” burger off of the not-so-secret menu. I’ll leave you to debate In-N-Out vs. Five Guys Burgers & Fries.

The research firm Technomic, Inc. released its new ranking of U.S. restaurants on Monday, and Burger King actually dipped behind Wendy’s among the major burger chains. I knew getting rid of “The King” character was a mistake! To the surprise of no one, Subway and Chipotle made great strides, but I didn’t quite anticipate a 6% bounce from Red Lobster.

Anyway, I say to Bring Back “The King”

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