Howard Balzer Joined The Freaks: REAL Football Talk

It was a busy weekend for “The Fantasy Freaks” on FOX Sports Radio. In addition to celebrating the social media movie event of the summer (“Sharknado”), Nate Lundy and I actually got a chance to talk about some real gridiron action. Howard Balzer, longtime NFL scribe and commentator, joined the show to talk about player […]

FMC: Doug Martin Graduates & Dominates The Vikings In Minnesota

What else can you say? It what appeared to be a difficult spot against the heretofore strong Minnesota run defense, rookie Doug Martin dominated. You know the reference from the title of this blog, right? Yeah, it’s yet another Harmon ode to Beverly Hills 90210. Anyway, Martin followed up LaRod Stephen-Howling’s surprise 100-yard effort in […]